Sunday School

Sunday School is a space for primary school aged children to learn and experience God. 
We run this program during the school term while the Sunday Morning Service is running. Start time is at 9:30 am.

In this time, we dance and sing some fun songs, we hear a story from the bible, get to create a craft activity, 

and pray together all while learning how awesome our God is.

The children start with everyone in the Service. We all sing some worship songs and then the children can sit at the front for a children's story. After the story they head out to Sunday School for the remainder of the service.

During the school holidays we have colouring in sheets for the children to complete as they are sitting in the service with their parent.


We love to see children come and join with us.    

Join the fun at Sunday School

After the Children's Talk in the main morning service, our teachers guide the children to Sunday School.  We believe that although the faith education of children is primarily the responsibility of parents, it is helpful to provide children with the opportunity to know God through this child-friendly program.

Children from age three through the end of primary school are welcome to attend our program that runs during the service. 

High Schoolers will find the main service engaging and may also like to attend our Friday night youth program (click here for more info).

Planning for Sunday School draws on an established curriculum.  This gives our teachers material to help plan fun activities that work to building relationships with the Children and God, the teachers and the children, and the children with each other.