Who are the Church Council?

All authority in the Church is vested in the Members under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Such authority is expressed through properly constituted Members' Meetings. The Church recognizes the vital importance of appointing only those who because of their spiritual and other qualifications are considered to be God's choice for any office in the Church.

The Officers of the Church consists of the Pastor, Elders and Deacons, who acting together form the Church Council.

  • eLDER


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  • Elder

    Grant Woolston

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  • eLDER

    bruce blackshaw


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  • dEACON



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What do Elders do?

Elders are primarily responsible for the caring and spiritual oversight of the Church, its members and ministries in consultation with the pastor(s).  An Elder must be a member of the Church in good standing displaying the biblical

qualifications of an Elder (1Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9).


Specific responsibilities include:

  • Ensure support and pastoral care of the pastor(s) and their family(ies)
  • Provide discipleship
  • Support evangelism in the Church
  • The prayer ministry of the Church
  • Pastoral care both as a personal ministry, and oversight of pastoral care groups within the Church
  • Vision borne out of prayer together, and the communication of that vision to the Church
  • Oversight of the equipping ministry of the Church
  • Oversight of ministry in all its forms, which includes the identification and exercise of spiritual gifts
  • Oversight of worship, teaching and discipline and encouragement of participation in cell groups.

What do Deacons do?

Deacons are primarily responsible for the administrative oversight of the work of God through the ministries of the Church.  In order to fulfil the role of Deacon, administrative gifting needs to be recognized by the Church in each candidate, in addition to the Biblical qualifications in 1Timothy 3:8-14.


Specific areas of responsibility are as follows:

  • Management and oversight of all financial matters
  • Management and oversight of all existing properties
  • Management and oversight of new properties, or properties under development or consideration
  • Child Safety and WHS regulatory compliance
  • Communications within the Church
  • External communication with the Baptist Union of Queensland, other
  • Churches, Governments, the Media and other bodies
  • Oversight of all financial and other matters relating to specific Missionary organizations and their representatives who are supported by the church.