Mainly Music

FRIDAY 9:30AM - 11:00AM (During School Terms)

Started in 1990, Mainly Music is a fun music group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their young child. Throughout the session, children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills as well as socialise with others. 

Each Mainly Music is associated with and is run by volunteers from our church. Children are introduced to music, creativity and fun. Families are also given a chance to think about the God-part of life.

At any time, you are welcome to use the links below to look at sessions recorded in 2020 to enjoy mainly music at home.

Mainly Music @ home | Session 10

Mainly Music @ home | Session 9

Mainly Music @ home | Session 8

Mainly Music @ home | Session 7

Mainly Music @ home | Session 6

Mainly Music @ home | Session 5

Mainly Music @ home | Session 4

Mainly Music @ home | Session 3

Mainly Music @ home | Session 2

Mainly Music @ home | Session 1

Friday: 9:30AM - 11:00AM (During School Terms)

Location: Centenary Baptist Church

Contact: Our Team on the Mainly Music Facebook Page

For other information see